Stuart Wilde articles
Friendships and Good Luck - Stuart Wilde
His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day out on the lands, trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming [...]
Relationships: Don’t Take Them Personally - Stuart Wilde
Romantic relationships in the modern era are a challenge. The old military/patriarchal system designed the heterosexual relationship as a control mechanism to keep women at home — nice and safe, churning out chubbies for the tribe. The men's position looked a lot more attractive because at least he got to go out to work and pop to the pub [...]
God-like Beings and the Goddesses - Stuart Wilde
I’ve talked about how the concept of the goddess sometimes holds women back as it allows the ego to kick in and causes one to become unrealistic. I also said that those guys that change their western name to something Hindu and declare themselves a living god are full of ego and the power trip [...]
The Verging Mary - Stuart Wilde
The Virgin Mary somehow got rather thin, so they made a statue of her to scare the children into behaving and so they would attend boring Bible classes without too much of a fuss.Children don’t know about virginity. As a little boy I could never quite understand what the verging Mary was verging towards. The [...]
The Ivory Tower - Stuart Wilde
Let’s talk about how to become more authentic and how you will turn your evolution to go the other way. For that will empower the marriage of masculine and feminine and light and dark within you. It will show you the way to reconciliation but before you access that you might need that flip of [...]
The Moon - Stuart Wilde
One day I stood on tiptoe in order to kiss the moon, she would have none of it. So I went down on one knee in homage, hoping for her love, again she ignored me. So I laid face down praying for her to forgive me, she shone silently upon my back with distain. So [...]
Forgiveness and Acceptance - Stuart Wilde
Some people don’t need redemption, they believe they are perfect. The rest of us need as much redemption and forgiveness as we can get our podgy little hands on. But in order to have forgiveness and acceptance you need to offer it to others. If you can’t, then you're stuck. Often the hurt you felt [...]
Negative and Defensive Thinking - Stuart Wilde
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. ~ Sir Winston ChurchillNegative thinking is a neurotic pallor that some people paste over their view of life. One tries to commiserate but it’s boring to listen to long-term. It’s also detrimental. There is a real correlation between low [...]
The Importance of Now - Stuart Wilde
A person who contacted me wrote: 'Now is the only time I've got'. I thought it clever as it is so true. Imagine if you knew exactly when you are going to die, and imagine if that day was, let's say, two thousand days away — would you spend more time in the office, or [...]
Change Your Destiny - Stuart Wilde
When you see ugliness, become ever more pretty. When you see racism, love and accept everyone. When people are agitated and violent, be calm and peaceful. When they are arrogant and nasty, be humble and tender. When they are stingy and cold, be warm and generous. And when you see the fundamentalists run!The global karma [...]