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Quiet Earth

The Mind MP3


The Mind MP3

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Product Description

Format: MP3 Download (change to the CD of this title)
Type; Discussion
Author: Stuart Wilde

© 1987. Size: 28MB. Total time: 62mins

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

So much of your personal power lies dormant in the inner mind waiting for you to reclaim it. Here Stuart Wilde conveys information on unleashing the awesome power of the shamanistic mind.

He speaks of the inner sanctuary, challenges of the inner journey, expanding the mind, going beyond lack and fear, and the doors of perception waiting to be opened.

Use the practical techniques Stuart offers to propel your life into transforming energy and reality - giving you what you want.


Tracks 1 to 5: Discussion (62mins)
1: The Higher Self, feelings and belief patterns (9:39)
2: Expanding the mind - left and right brain; quietening the subconscious mind (12:26)
3: Pulling to you the things for growth; non-judgement and the inner light (12:55)
4: Physical discipline and your inner sanctuary; nature, balance and a little imperfection; going beyond lack and fear (13:28)
5: Challenges and the inner journey; doors of perception; transforming energy and reality (13:05)

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