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Quiet Earth

Life Don't Take it Personally MP3


Life Don't Take it Personally MP3

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Product Description

Format: MP3 Download
Type: Live Lecture & Meditation
Author: Stuart Wilde
© 1997. Size: 55MB. Total time: 119mins

Experience Life, Love and Laughter

In this often hilarious audio, Stuart Wilde with his characteristic candour, delivers an insightful lecture that you are sure to revel in. Stuart demonstrates how you can stand aside from the conventional paradigms of thought, becoming an observer of an uncertain global destiny. 

He weaves many ideas, personal stories and anecdotes, inspiring us to continue on our sacred inner journey. This naturally brings out our inner spirit, offering serenity, confidence and healing for ourselves and all people.


6 Tracks (119mins)

Tracks 1 to 5: Discussion
1: Freedom, society, energy, the ego (24:30)
2: Funny personal stories, religion, particle wave duality (30:47)
3: Necker's cube, creating distance & the rotation (18:42)
4: Don't take it personally, death, god force within (18:55)
5: Introduction to meditation (3:00)

Track 6: Guided Etheric Meditation (22:55)

Click HERE for the Neckers Cube diagram as stated on track 3

Note from James Wild: What a pearler this live lecture is. Stuart's personal stories and his take on religion are very funny indeed. But there are also some very moving moments. I actually recorded this lecture when we were on tour in the mind 90's and I am so glad that I discovered it recently. I played it to a friend and she said it was Stuart at his best. I could put several titles in that category, but I must admit that this is quite special and somewhat different. Stuart is quite relaxed, informal and often assertive as he takes you on this journey. And the meditation on the last track is a bonus - very typical of Stuart's etheric meditations conducted at his courses in the 90's. Not to be missed I reckon.

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