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Quiet Earth

Songs of the Forest MP3

$15.66 $9.19
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Songs of the Forest MP3

$15.66 $9.19
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Product Description

Format: MP3 Download (change to the CD of this title)
Type: Nature Sounds
Recording artist: James Wild

© 2015. Size: 132MB (256kbps). Total time: 70mins

Invite nature into your home or office with the enchanting music of birdsong
Featuring the delightful singing repertoire of the Australian Grey Shrike-thrush - one of the great songsters of the Australian forest

This track is a 70 minute recording of forest birdsong, prominently featuring the striking, melodious singing of the Grey Shrike-thrush. The bird has an extensive repertoire of sounds and song, which in this recording echo through the majestic forest creating a lovely cathedral like atmosphere.

An album that is sure to lift your spirits and add joy to your day.

1 Track (70mins)

1. Birdsong featuring the Grey Shrike-thrush

(No music or narration)

Note from James Wild: Birdsong could very well be the most beautiful music in the world and the Grey Shrike-thrush has given us oodles of listening pleasure while living at Mount Macedon in Australia. The idea for this title began one day when Fiona and I were outside soaking up the lovely atmosphere of the forest and a Shrike-thrush was overhead in full song. It was so delightful that I fetched my recorder and captured some great audio. It inspired me to get more and the result is this track - 70 mins of uninterrupted birdsong. Featured are many individual birds and I managed to include the intriguing dance of courtship and the enchanting call and response of individual pairs.

It was a joy to create this album and simply marvelous how many of our neighbours comment on the beautiful singing of this bird. Nature is indeed a wonder to behold. Enjoy!!

Notes on this recording
Recorded in tall eucalypt forest at Mt Macedon, Victoria, Australia. There is no music or narration - just the wonderful sound of birdsong.

The Grey Shrike-thrush is a medium sized bird common throughout the eucalypt forests and woodlands of much of Australia. It's drab colour belies its melodious, beautiful singing, especially in spring. A typical pair will mate for life and maintain a 10 hectare breeding territory.

Other birds that join the Grey Shrike-thrush on this track are: Australian Magpie, Eastern Spinebill, Yellow Faced Honeyeater, Golden Whistler, Fan Tailed Cuckoo, Brush Bronzewing, Grey Fantail, Fairy Wren, White Browed Scrub Wren, Kookaburra, Australian Raven, White Throated Treecreeper, Striated Thornbill, Crimson Rosella, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Pardalote, Pied Currawong.

Special thanks to Duade Paton for his lovely photos:

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