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Quiet Earth

Spirituality and the Lightness of Being MP3


Spirituality and the Lightness of Being MP3

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Product Description

Format: MP3 Download (change to the CD of this title)
Type: Discussion
Author: Stuart Wilde

©2009. Size: 22MB. Total time: 48mins

Developing a Deeper, More Connected Life

There is much heaviness in the world which comes from people’s self-importance, the injustice, the pollution, the bling. It’s like a perpetual outward vigilant state that creates imbalance. But alongside all ugliness there is beauty, and where there is shadow you can bring out the celestial.

On this audio Stuart Wilde shows you how to align to the celestial, a lighter, more carefree state where there is a strong feeling of spiritual connectedness.

To touch upon this lightness of being, this healing, you only need to know where to look - and that is within. What naturally follows is a genuine life of humility and forgiveness.


Tracks 1 to 5: Discussion (48mins)
1: Stuart's teacher; punctuality; being precise, genuine and respectful (16:50)
2: The celestial persona; humility, naturalness and creativity; the sound of water (13:51)
3: The mind; spirituality and simplicity (3:44)
4: Humanity's shadow and forgiveness (7:01)
5: The lightness of being (6:11)

Note: There may be quality changes in the audio from track to track - this is from the original recording.

Note from James Wild: I believe that in our lives we need refreshment, reminders, updates and guidance - almost a constant changing mosaic of ideas and practices to keep us centred on our spiritual path. Stuart Wilde has provided people with such needs through his audio recordings and this title is no exception. It is lovely to listen to and contains some wonderful material for times that are becoming ever more challenging.  Highly recommended.

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